3 M's for Business Success

business marketing mindset
Marketing Mindset Mentorship for Business Success

Mastery or Mentorship, Mindset & Marketing 

When starting and keeping a business going, there are 3 things that I've found to drive your business success. Those are the 3 M's. Mastery or Mentorship in Business itself, Mindset and Marketing.

Mastery or Mentorship
You need to have mastery of business or some type of mentorship to help you. It is so important because there are so many different fascists in business in order to make it successful. As a business owner, you have to have some type of business sense. Whether that's through personal experience, other business experience, education in business or if you have a mentor or coach to help you out. There are certain steps that you need to take in order to ensure that your business is successful. So getting that foundation down, from what you need, to your goals, your budget and more that come along with running a business. If you need additional resources, there is the Small Business Association (SBA.) They offer free services, education and advice on how to build your business and be successful. 

Your mindset is very important. Know your WHY behind your business. Why are you even doing this? What's going to keep you motivated? There's so many different ted talks and various things out there that will help you with your mindset. Find your tribe and people who are like minded thinkers around you, who are successful in their business(s). Successful people follow successful people. It's very hard when you're in business for yourself. If you're a solopreneur like me, the business can get very lonely and being around those people will certainly help you a lot. Working with a business coach is very beneficial. My business coach, Shari Biery with Alive With Purpose, helps me set personal goals as well as business goals. Take your own goals and then deconstruct those goals and figure out how to get there. You can meet any goal that you put your mind to. It's going to take work and it's going to take commitment and it may take some really big changes in habits that you've established in order to be successful in your business.

With every business, you need some form of marketing. You may get into business with the hopes that your family and friends are going to make you successful and keep your business afloat. That may work for a short period of time but you can't depend on your friends and family to make your business successful. You're going to need to market yourself. No matter how great your services or your products are, it doesn't mean anything unless it gets in front of the right people so be sure that you know your ideal client. You of course can discover your ideal clients through social media but you really don't want to get stuck behind the camera or the computer all the time. 2020 changed a lot of things and we ended up doing a lot more things online but now that everybody is getting back out again its important to have face to face time going on, business to customer interaction and business to business interaction. Get back out into the community and do networking or get involved in various different community organizations. It has helped me grow my business and let other people know what I do for my business and how I can help other people become successful with their businesses.  So get out and start saying hi to people. Start having some conversations. Get out of your shell and you will be pleasantly surprised by how many wonderful people there are and if there is somebody you don't click with, that's okay. We’re not made for everybody so just move on. Move on to the next business partner or friend and start to grow your business through your marketing. 

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