3 Steps To Help You Stick With Your Marketing Plan


Marketing plays a big role in a nourishing a successful business. As you know, there is a vast amount of social media platforms that can be used when marketing yourself and your business. Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and more. The number of platforms available and the amount of features each platform offers can make it difficult when trying to establish and stick to a marketing plan. We can often feel overwhelmed and feel the need to be on every platform all at once in order to have a thriving business, however that simply is not true. I encourage you to follow these 3 steps when creating your marketing plan and truly commit to them!

Keep it simple and don’t over complicate things.
It’s going to take commitment but only commit to what you’re willing to commit to. If you are someone who is trying to be on 5 social media platforms but have limited staff or if you are a solopreneur, you’re going to get overwhelmed very quickly. Hone in and start with just one or two platforms and get to know it really well. Learn what works best on those one to two platforms for your business. The key is to start small and grow. That will keep your frustration down and help you stay focused on where you want to go.

Be consistent and don’t overextend yourself, or your resources.
If you commit whether it be one day a week, or five days a week, make sure you are committed. Consistency is KEY! The one thing that I commit to in my businesses is my Tip Tuesday live videos. Every Tuesday you can find me live, on my business page sharing free tips. It’s a non-negotiable. I will be here on Tuesdays with the exception of holiday or vacation time. I am committed to and I have a period of time blocked on my calendar, where I decide what I’m going to talk about on that day and then always show up here just about the same time right around 10 o’clock on Tuesday’s. Committing to that has allowed my audience to know that whether they are watching live, or on replay I will be on their screens every Tuesday. So remember. Keep it simple, be consistent. 

Track you results & evaluate your plan on a regular basis.
If you are trying something different no matter what it is; whether it’s print marketing, social media advertising and marketing or the growing your business through groups, analytics and insights are so important. Don’t get caught up in the vanity metrics of things with ‘likes’ and ‘comments.’ Look at the views. How many people that came across your post while scrolling through social media.
Track your insights and results and then adjust your marketing plan as you see fit.

For example, you had an engaging post that did very, very well. In the future, you will want to post more of those same posts that will attracted your ideal client. For those strategies fell short, you will need to either eliminate that from your plan or tweak it and make it a little bit different to attract your ideal client.

Remember, people tend to remember your business if you have a consistent branding and a consistent message.

  1. Keep it simple. Don’t overcomplicate things. Start small & scale up. Commit to 1-2 things
  2. Be consistent. Don’t overextend yourselves or your resources
  3. Track your Results & evaluate your plan on a regular basis.

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